Have you ever had white lumps in the back of your throat? They can cause bad breath, swollen lymph nodes & a sore throat. These are tonsilloliths. It was a…
The Best Butternut Squash Soup You’ll Ever Have.
This recipe was an absolute hit at Thanksgiving this year! Try this unique butternut squash soup that is slightly sweet, tangy and has a warming kick at the end note….
New Findings on Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy
There is no herb, medication, antibiotic, vaccine or amount of alcohol that leaves the fetus 100% unaffected during pregnancy. The question then becomes, an effect of what kind? Beneficial? Harmful?…
Eating Avocado With Meat, Blunts The Inflammatory Effects of The Meat Consumption
If you are not convinced about the universal awesomeness of avocados, then there is no hope for you. Just kidding! Check out this interesting study on how avocado blunted the…
Australian Study Details Disturbing Findings About ALL COVID Jabs & Boosters.
Australian study data finds Vaccines to cause more harm than protection & boosters to correlate with increased mortality, decreased immunity & higher viral load: Opening Remarks: “Never in Vaccine history…
PROVEN Alternative Ways To Eradicate H. Pylori
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacteria that colonizes the stomach lining. It is found in the majority of cases – over 90% of duodenal ulcer patients and 70% of gastric ulcer…