What is the HLA-DRB1 gene? Can your genes make you sick from mold? I am a strong believer in epigenetics. Epigenetics is the scientifically proven theory that your genes do…
Lymphatic Drainage Is A New Target for Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention and Lead To Better Outcome In Disease Severity
Does the lymphatic system play a role in disease prevention? How Lymphatic Drainage of is a New Target for Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention? The Brain’s Lymphatic System Hippocrates first mentioned the…
Soy and Breast Cancer: Our Gut Bacteria Determine How Protective Soy is
Does soy cause cancer? Here’s an in-depth blog post on soy sauce and breast cancer and how our gut bacteria determine how protective soy is. When I was completing my…
PANDAS/PANS: Is a Brain Infection Driving your Child’s OCD, Tics & Psychosis?
What is PANS/PANDAS? Pediatric Autoimmune Neuro-psychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections (PANDAS)/ Pediatric Acute-onset Neuro-psychiatric Syndrome (PANS) are a sub-type of acute-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) thought to be caused by…
The Effect of Having Your Gallbladder Removed
what are the long-term side effects of gallbladder removal? A Gallbladder surgery, also known as a Cholecystectomy (CCY) is one of the most commonly performed surgeries. This surgery is performed…
Is Meat The Cause of Your Body Odor? My Experience.
Is meat the cause of your onion pits and bad body odor? It might be for some people. Hi, my name is Melissa, and sometimes I have armpit BO that…