Did the title catch your attention? I hope you sang the title to the Folgers commercial song! Allow me to explain:
Coffee enemas have been around since the Civil War. Introduced in the late 1800s, they were used to speeding up healing following surgeries or to treat accidental poisoning.
And if you didn’t know, surgeries were very unsterile and dangerous procedures until the introduction of washing hands before surgery & also the introduction of anesthesia.
The Gerson Protocol For Cancer

“Stay close to nature, and her eternal laws will protect you.” — Dr. Max Gerson
In the 1950s coffee enemas were made famous and became more widespread thanks to Dr. Max Gerson (founder of the Gerson protocol which is practiced at the Hippocrates Institute in West Palm Beach).
Dr. Gerson began using coffee enemas as a key to treating cancer patients, others are now turning to this procedure for various ailments that don’t respond well to traditional treatments or prescription medications.
“Dr. Gerson observed that cancer patients exhibited markedly degenerated organs, especially the liver, presumably caused by the clearing of toxic materials of an unknown type that the disease produced. He also noted that the situation became worse after chemotherapy, probably because of more toxic products entering the bloodstream. Gerson’s regimen focused on helping the liver rid the body of toxic substances while restoring and maintaining healthy liver function.”- National Cancer Institute.

The Purpose of Coffee Enemas are to Assist in Detoxifying the Liver.
Your liver filters all the toxins that your body is exposed to from medications, air, pesticides, hormones, etc. The caffeine from coffee travels through the portal vein through your intestines to reach the liver.
The University of Minnesota conducted a study that demonstrated that coffee enemas are able to help stimulate the production of an enzyme created in the liver called glutathione s-transferase.
Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant in our body that helps our liver detoxify, removes heavy metals, helps us age slower, and has an overall better status of health.
Other Things that Coffee Enemas Can Help With (that I have seen in my practice):
- I have seen coffee enemas be the only thing that eliminates unremitting nausea from cancer patients going through chemotherapy.
- I have heard testimonials from patients about coffee enemas stopping a gallbladder attack.
- I have seen pictures of gall bladder stones (the size of quarters and nickels) being released by administering a coffee enema.
- I have seen pictures of parasites being released from the intestines after doing coffee enemas.
- Bloating and digestive issues improved because once coffee gets into the liver, the bile ducts are opened up, and increase production of bile that’s needed for digestion and excretion.
- Massive amounts of energy afterward.
- Skin appearance improved on face and body/acne/boils gone away.
Caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates the excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood across the colonic wall.
Coffee enemas can produce the excretion of gallbladder stones, which will range from yellow to dark green. Cholesterol can even be excreted, which is a light green color.
Mucoid plaque can be seen sometimes if you’re doing a series of enemas..this is a rubbery dark brown substance. Impacted debris that has been stuck in the crevices of the intestines is also common to be excreted.
How Do You Make Coffee Enemas?
This is the protocol that I follow, and it was given to me by an Iridologist that I had gone to in 2015:
- Mix 5 1/2 cups of Distilled Water and 4 tablespoons of ORGANIC CAFFEINATED GROUND COFFEE.
- Bring to a boil and let it simmer for 15 minutes.
- Place the liquid in the fridge or freezer for 20 minutes (periodically checking on it) When the liquid is cool use a fine colander to strain the coffee.
- The coffee will have boiled down to about 4 cups. You will pour the 4 cups of coffee into the enema bag.
- Take some coconut oil or olive oil and lubricate the enema tip. Insert the enema tip, set the timer for 15 minutes, and turn on your right side.
(The first time you do this, it may be difficult to go for the full 15 minutes – but some people do it. You will feel contractions that will make you want to go to the bathroom but try to breathe/rub your belly to get past this. The contractions will come and go).
- After 15 minutes, sit on the toilet and all that liquid will be flushed out.
(You may notice you feel an increase in energy and your stomach may feel flatter. Some people even notice pains in their body decrease after doing these enemas.)
- You may even notice gallbladder stones floating to the top in the first enema or in future ones.
Things To Consider With Coffee Enemas:
Things that could be harmful are:
- If you don’t strain out the grains well, it could lead to inflammation of the colon.
- Obviously, you should wait until the liquid is cool enough before doing the enema, you don’t want to scald your insides.
- If it’s not organic coffee beans being used. Coffee is one of the most highly sprayed crops.
- There is also the risk of perforating your colon if you’re shoving it in your rectum un-lubricated or with too much force.
- Electrolyte imbalance with overuse of enemas or colonics can happen, I suggest drinking an electrolyte replenisher afterward.
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