Frankincense Essential Oil
Below you will see the incredible images of a womans thermography results before and after using Frankincense oil topically on her inflamed fibrocystic breasts. You will also see the ultrasound reports from a second woman over the course two years, showing the complete disintegration of three large breast cysts, by using Frankincense oil.
The first womans initial thermography revealed asymmetrical thermal patterns, inflammation, and fibrocystic breast tissue. Because cancer cells double every 90 days, it is imperative to come back for the 3 month follow up thermography so we can make a comparison.
At the 3-month follow-up, her thermography was completely normal. What did she do to create such an improvement in such a short amount of time? She applied Frankincense Oil (also known as Bosweillia sacra) every day to her breasts for 3 months.
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6/20/18 – Initial thermography showing inflammation, suspicious activity, and fibrocystic breast tissue.

9/21/18 — Post 3 months of applying frankincense oil on breasts.
Another woman put Frankincense oil on her 3 large breast cysts starting January 2022 and by January 2024 all cysts were completely gone:

Frankincense Represses Breast Cancer on a Cellular Level:

Suhail et al., 2011 conducted a study looking at frankincense oil and its effectiveness in inducing breast cancer cell apoptosis (cell death).
They found that frankincense induced tumor cell apoptosis and suppressed the cellular network formation and development of breast cancer cells, even in advanced breast cancer. This oil interrupts the signaling pathways and cell cycle regulation of breast cancer cells.
Frankincense Induces Death to Bladder Cancer Cells:

Boswellic acid, the component in frankincense is known to have anti-cancer properties. Frank et al., 2009 observed that frankincense-activated genes that are responsible for cell cycle functions such as growth, suppression and apoptosis in human bladder cancer cells. They found that this oil can distinguish cancerous cells from normal bladder cells and suppress cancer cells ability to survive.
Frankincense Induces Pancreatic Cancer Cell Death:

Ni et al., 2012 found that frankincense oil can also suppress pancreatic cancer cells, inducing apoptosis and suppressing tumor cells ability to function. They found it to be a useful alternative therapeutic agent for treating patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma, an aggressive cancer with a poor prognosis.
Where to buy frankincense essential oil:

You want to make sure it’s REAL and HIGH quality/Food grade. DoTerra or Young Living Oils are companies that I trust to have the highest quality. To purchase Frankincense essential oil go to the website:
If you want more than one bottle, email me for a deal: Buy 1 bottle, get $15 off of the 2nd bottle (+shipping cost).
More Helpful Blog Posts on Breast Cancer
- Thermography: Detecting breast cancer many years earlier than Mammography
- Mirena IUD Increases Vaginal Infections & Risk of Breast Cancer
- Soy and Breast Cancer: Our gut bacteria determine how protective soy is
Frank, M. B., Yang, Q., Osban, J., Azzarello, J. T., Saban, M. R., Saban, R., . . . Lin, H. (2009). Frankincense oil derived from Boswellia carteri induces tumor cell specific cytotoxicity. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 9(1). Retrieved September 26, 2018, from
Ni, X., Suhail, M. M., Yang, Q., Cao, A., Fung, K., Postier, R. G., . . . Lin, H. (2012). Frankincense essential oil prepared from hydrodistillation of Boswellia sacra gum resins induces human pancreatic cancer cell death in cultures and in a xenograft murine model. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine,12(1). Retrieved September 26, 2018, from
Suhail, M. M., Wu, W., Cao, A., Mondalek, F. G., Fung, K., Shih, P., . . . Lin, H. (2011). Boswellia sacra essential oil induces tumor cell-specific apoptosis and suppresses tumor aggressiveness in cultured human breast cancer cells. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 11(1). Retrieved September 26, 2018, from