Have you ever had white lumps in the back of your throat? They can cause bad breath, swollen lymph nodes & a sore throat. These are tonsilloliths.
It was a bit challenging to find a lot of research on tonsil stones because they are not deemed a “hazardous condition.” I’d say they’re pretty hazardous to a happy social life! Who wants to deal with white lumps in their throat that make your breath smell terrible and glands swollen?
What Are Tonsil Stones?
Tonsil stones are like a hardened collection of food particles, bacteria, and other garbage that form in the grooves of the tonsils. Some foods can cause the formation of these stones more easily than others, such as dairy.

Does Drinking Milk Cause Tonsil Stones?
If you’ve had tonsil stones for most of your life, chances are that it can be a manifestation of a dairy sensitivity. Dairy can be a culprit because it is a mucus forming food.
Even in Traditional Chinese Medicine, dairy is known to be a contributor to phlegm and “dampness.” In Functional Medicine, dairy has been proven to be inflammatory and can be a contributor, if not a cause of osteoporosis, gastrointestinal issues, as well as allergies.
Our ancestors 100 years ago probably used cow’s milk products in lesser amounts and lesser frequency, and the milk itself was prepared entirely differently than the way it is today.
According to MayoClinic.com, milk is one of the most common food allergens that can cause a wide range of symptoms.
During a milk allergy, immunoglobulin E antibodies and histamine are produced increasing the amount of mucus and swelling that develop in the throat.
Excess mucus created in the sinuses can cause post-nasal drip, the constant dripping in the back of the throat that can lead to bad breath, sore throat, and the feeling of a lump in the throat.
It’s important to understand that tonsil stones are not simple inanimate masses; they’re living biofilms that have been shown to respire oxygen and nitrate.
Tonsil stones have even been compared to sea coral, because they’re heavily composed of anaerobic bacteria. Dr. Harold Katz explains:
“These [anaerobic bacteria] thrive on sugars and food particles that are present in the mouth. This layer is called biofilm, which is a thick network of living microorganisms. Beneath this film, stones are made up of collagen and dead bacteria.”
How Common Are Tonsil Stones?
Up to 46.1% of people have tonsil stones. They can be the reason for chronic halitosis, irritating cough, dysphagia, otalgia, foreign body sensation, sore throat, swollen glands, tonsillitis, earache or foul taste in the mouth.
Sometimes the stones are too small for you to even notice, and they end up being swallowed.
In a study conducted by researchers at the State University of Campinas in Brazil, tonsil stones were detected in 75% of tonsillitis patients who had bad breath — but in only 6% of those with normal breath. So, if you have unexplained bad breath, shine a flashlight back there and check out your throat!
If you have recurrent strep infections that have left you with chronically enlarged tonsils, you are more prone to having tonsils stones as well. (If you get recurrent strep infections, you need to work on improving your immune system).
What You Can Do About Tonsil Stones
1. Take Probiotic
The relationship between probiotic flora and a balanced gut microbiome has been well established. Everyone should definitely take a probiotic. Consuming fermented vegetables is a great way of cultivating good commensal flora into your mouth as well as your gut.
It is also important to see a dentist that can take care of any tooth or gum issues going on.
Otherwise, you will be swallowing all that bacteria. I see it on the GI Maps stool test all often. People whose test results come back with an overgrowth of Klebsiella, Prevotella, Streptococcus or Fusobacterium are a dead giveaway for oral dysbiosis.
2. Desensitize the Immune and Nervous System
I routinely help people with tonsil stones by using the technique NAET, to desensitize the immune system and nervous system from perceiving various foods as allergens.
3. Cut out wheat/gluten & Dairy from your diet for 30 days.
Gluten can cause a lot of mucus and inflammation in the body, which can contribute to tonsil stones. Cutting out wheat/gluten & Dairy from your diet for 30 days is a good remedy.
4. Oral Microbiome
Try these anti-microbial oral products. They cut down the bacteria in your mouth and overtime improve the oral microbiome: Dentalcidin Liposomal Oral Care Solution with Biocidin The active ingredient in Dentalcidin™LS oral rinse is Biocidin®, a proprietary blend of 17 botanical extracts and essential oils. In pilot research by Binghamton University, Biocidin® was shown to significantly reduce the viability of germs associated with biofilm (plaque) production. Dentalcidin™LS oral rinse contains a liposomal solution for deeper activity in the periodontal area and is the perfect complement to Dentalcidin toothpaste.*
(register your email to view product and get 10% off)
5. Eat more Parsley, Spirulina, or Take chlorophyll.
Eating more parsley, spirulina or taking chlorophyll, as this is an internal freshener and can neutralize odors from perspiration, menstruation, urine, and stools.
6. Minimize Sugary Foods From Your Diet.
As mentioned above, the bacteria in these stones thrive on sugar in your mouth.
When I say sugar, I mean processed sugar, cane sugar, corn syrup, sugary coffee drinks, if you eat grains in excess, soda’s, agave syrup. (Substitute for stevia or monk fruit extract for sweetener).
Over time, I noticed that my tonsil stones were getting progressively bigger. They were so big they were the size of a soy bean!
My breath was so bad I completely avoided social situations. I always had a mint in my mouth at work and I always made sure I kept a great distance from people.
I was desperate for answers so I searched everywhere. Books, magazines, the internet.
During the two years, I tried almost every natural remedy and tonsil stone removal method out there. And spent roughly a thousand dollars in the process.
Almost two years and $1,000 dollars later, I stumbled across this one particular method, and to my amazement I’ve never had a single tonsil stone since…
Best of luck!