Can thermography detect early breast cancer? Thermography vs. mammography. Which detects breast cancer better?
“Thermography measures the temperature of the breast, and there is no need for any mechanical pressure or ionizing radiation.” — John Gofman, MD, nuclear physicist, & one of the world’s leading experts on radiation damage.

This is a comparison of my thermography done in 2008 and 2016. I’ve been doing thermography scans since I was 17 years old; I have never had a mammogram.
When I posted this photo on my Instagram, this post alone got the attention of over 6,000 people. I was astounded at the number of people who had never even heard of thermography!
Thermography has been around for about 30+ years and has thousands of peer-reviewed studies, proving its efficacy as a safe and effective screening tool.
Not only can thermography detect breast cancer years earlier than mammography, but it can also detect inflammation anywhere in the body. Inflammation is the beginning of disease and imbalance. Once we can identify the area of dysfunction, we can pinpoint how to heal it through functional medicine.
Mammograms squish and compress your breast, shooting radiation into the breast — which raises the risk of breast cancer by 1% for each mammogram that is had.
With thermography, there is no compression or radiation — nothing touches you. It is a digital infrared camera that pictures your body heat.

I can claim that thermography is early detection and ACTUALLY PREVENTATIVE because cancer is detected when it has only multiplied to about 256 cells.
Whereas with Mammography, cancer is detected at over 4 BILLION CANCER CELL. At this point, this is not even preventative. This is just telling you that you have a tumor.
“Active breast cancer cells double every 90 days, causing inflammation, which is our body’s physiological response to this abnormal process. Our immune system has failed… from an acidic environment caused by poor nutrition, too much estrogen, hormonal imbalance, or genetic predispositions triggered by our diet and lifestyles.
Abnormal vascularity will begin in the breasts in order to feed, nourish, oxygenate, and support the growing tumor. This all takes place at under 300 cancer cells.
This is when thermography can see those changes that are taking place.
Or, you could do your typical conventional standardized “gold standard” tests and wait until you have over 4 BILLION cancer cells in that tumor when a mammogram finally sees it.
It’s important to realize that a negative mammogram cannot be equated with a clean bill of health.
All a negative mammogram can tell you is that IF you do have cancer, it hasn’t grown large enough yet to be detected.
This is particularly true for women with dense breast tissue. 49% of women have high breast tissue density, and mammography’s sensitivity for dense breasts is as low as 27 percent—meaning about 75 percent of dense-breasted women are at risk for cancer being missed if they rely solely on mammography.
Even with digital mammography, the sensitivity is still less than 60 percent.” — Donna Tomey of Thermography First, LLC.
Lymphatic Congestion:
Lymphatic congestion before & after lymphatic massage:

You may have lymphatic congestion if you have tenderness and pain in the armpit area. The lymphatic system runs from your brain to your toes & is like your body’s sewage system.
If you are congested, you are not ridding your body of toxins! This system requires movement to get the sewage circulating out of the body.
When there is stagnation, there is congestion in the lymph nodes (such as the groin, underarms, and sides of the throat). Often, the tumors that are removed from breasts contain the same chemicals as in deodorants.
- Chemical deodorants can contribute to congestion by clogging the pores with aluminum and other chemicals linked to cancer. Ditch the chemical deodorant and go for a natural one. I use ‘MOVE’ by HealthJunkieJess @ (It’s not one of those deodorants that put a pine scent over the sweat.)
- Dry skin brushing can also help to move the lymphatic system
- Lymphatic massage is amazing and can help to clear up congestion within a few sessions. I recommend Fia — [email protected].
- Drinking half your body weight in ounces of pure water each day. Water helps your body to flush out toxins more easily.
- Exercise stimulates the lymphatic system to move sewage and excrete it. It also makes you sweat, which helps to release toxins.
Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Inflammatory Breast Cancer is the most rare and deadly form of all breast cancers. Unfortunately, it is also still widely unknown of all breast cancers.
Donna Tomey of Thermography First, LLC allowed me to repost this woman’s case:
“A client of mine last year had a rash on her breast, and her doctor told her it was a bug bite that became infected and gave her months of antibiotics.
When it had not gotten any better, she came to me because she did not want to do a mammogram with the ‘infection.’ Her breast was deformed from what she thought was the ‘breast infection.’ She was already at Stage 4 and didn’t even know it.”
Donna explains that the first signs of IBC are:
- Thickening or dimpling of the breast
- Inversion of the nipple
- A rash or bump on the breast that will not go away or seems to be spreading
- Swelling or change in the size of one or both breasts
There is usually NO palpable tumor with IBC. Can you imagine this woman doing a mammogram? Squeezing and compressing her completely inflammed breast?
IBC spreads and metastasizes like wildfire and will not be touched by a doctor unless forced to do chemotherapy first.
Thermography is the ONLY imaging modality that can see IBC in its most earliest stages.

Images of a client who had a stroke on the entire right side of her body. You can see the difference in both sides. The right side is clearly colder (blue/black, which in this client indicates nerve damage and peripheral circulatory disorder)
- A stroke happens when the brain is deprived of blood. What carries the blood to the brain? The carotid artery. The carotid artery is the largest vessel that supplies blood to your brain. If there is inflammation/blockages, it can result in a stroke.
- Thermography can show inflammation in the carotid artery years before it becomes a stroke.
Inflammation in the Carotid Artery

This person has a huge risk factor for a stroke because of this inflammation in their carotid artery.
The Importance Of Returning For Your 3-Month Follow-Up:

After detoxing and supplementation, her thermography returned to normal.
This is precisely why it is vital to return for your 3-month follow-up, because cancer cells double every 90 days!
This woman thankfully did her 3-month follow-up and was able to catch her abnormal/suspicious activity before it turned into cancer.
Oral Health & Heart Disease Connection:

This patient, with a hypothermic asymmetry over the left lower chest, has a history of coronary heart disease (CAD) . He also has an abscess at the upper left tooth.
- Thousands upon thousands of studies have linked oral disease to systemic disease. Inflammation is a well-known disease that causes force, and gum disease and other oral diseases produce chronic low-grade inflammation in your body. According to Dr. Gery Curatola, a biological dentist:
“This inflammation has very, very deleterious effects on just about every major organ system – from Alzheimer’s to stroke, heart disease, and diabetes,” Dr. Curatola explains.
- Gum disease can raise your risk of a fatal heart attack up to 10 times. According to Dr. Curatola, if you get a heart attack related to periodontal or gum disease, nine times out of 10, it will actually kill you.
Autoimmune/Immune Dysfunction:

The blue/cool spot below the neck signals an immune imbalance or weakened immune system. Through blood work, you would be able to tell exactly what it is.
Diabetic Neuropathy/Nerve Dysfunction:

Two different people with diabetes and diabetic nerve pain. The white and red spots are the most inflamed.
Ending Thoughts:

- Mammograms are NOT early detection, nor are they prevention. They are detected once you have a tumor. How many women do you know who get their mammograms faithfully every year and then have the nasty surprise of being diagnosed with breast cancer? How many women get their mammograms and miss their cancer?
- Thermography sees the physiological process of cancer….inflammation, vascular changes, pattern changes, blood vessel development — which precede and support active tumor growth.
- Ditch the chemical deodorant!
To Find A Local Thermographer In Your Area, go to
If you are in South Florida, I recommend Donna Tomey @
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Thank you for educating on thermography.
I had my first full body scan 6 weeks ago, I have received the report but I’m looking for someone to go over the findings with me. I’m in the Memphis,TN area and there is no local that I’m aware of, so I’m looking for any guidance.
I know the report has valuable information, but I am overwhelmed about what it means for my lifestyle & prevention.
Hey there, if you search online for a functional medicine doctor in your area that would be a good place to start.